
Module inc_search

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Incremental search


The motivation for this struct is for “online” or interactive use cases. One often accumulates input to match against a trie. Using the standard exact_match() faculties which has a time complexity of O(m log n) where m is the query string length and n is the number of entries in the trie. Consider this loop where we simulate accumulating a query.

use trie_rs::Trie;

let q = "appli"; // query string
let mut is_match: bool;
let trie = Trie::from_iter(vec!["appli", "application"]);
for i in 0..q.len() - 1 {

Building the query one “character” at a time and exact_match()ing each time, the loop has effectively complexity of O(m2 log n).

Using the incremental search, the time complexity of each query is O(log n) which returns an Answer enum.

let q = "appli"; // query string
let inc_search = trie.inc_search();
let mut is_match: bool;
for i = 0..q.len() {
    is_match = inc_search.query(q[i]).unwrap().is_match();

This means the above code restores the time complexity of O(m log n) for the loop.



  • A “matching” answer to an incremental search on a partial query.

Type Aliases§